Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ok, so I have no idea why my videos are not playing...I'm thinking to heck wit it, give me a couple of days & I'll have a site up & running.

sorry :(

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


When I see these guys munch out, all I can think of is that game Hungry Hungry Hippos...this is why...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I've not been keeping up on here lately, so here is a compliation of pictures from 6 days old - 9 days old. These babies aren't very photogenic (like Momma), so face shots are hard to get!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

1 Week Old!

Everyone is doing awesome! All the pups are up over a pound now. Maggie is taking a little more time throughout the day to visit with the family. She has been wanting to get inside the warming box a few times now, and until today I guess she figured she wouldn' fit. She would stand in the box, dig around, sign and get out again. So today, she must have thought, to hell with it and actually tried to lay down in it!

2 pups are starting to open an eye, and they have that wonderful puppy breath we all love ( but can't really say why...) and still look like a bunch of passed out drunks!

I'll post more pictures later tonight!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2 Days Old

And now, a word from our sponsers...

I think I'm going to suggest a new x-ray machine to the vet. First, he says he saw 6 for sure, maybe 7. I called Friday morning to let him know Maggie was showing signs of whelping. He tells me after he looked at the x-rays again ( the x-rays were a bit drier then) he could see 7 for sure, maybe 8.

Yeah, ummmm...hello, 11, she had 11!!!

She started panting heavily and digging around 3am Friday morning. I sat up with her until 5am, nothing really went any further, so I decided to get a bit more sleep. At 7 am I woke, checked her & she was still panting & digging, no drop in I got my boys up for school, breakfast made, lunches packed and sent them off to school.

The rest of my day was 100% devotion to Maggie. I had Mom getting the boys from school & supper was taken care of for me. I had everyone in the house on standby, I was busy...if they couldn't get it for themselves, ask another adult! I sat/layed either IN or beside the whelping box (thank god I made it big enough for BOTH of us to lay in!!) from 9am Friday morning until the last pup was born.

Her first contraction came at 12:20am Saturday morning. By 1:00am, the first pup was out, a girl who weighed 12.10 oz. At 2:51am, the second pup was out, another girl weighing a whopping 13.80 oz. The third was out at 3:11am, a boy weighing 9.95 oz. The fourth was another boy born at 3:36am, he weighed 10.30 oz. The fifth was so fast, I don't think she even contracted for him. He was born at 3:37am and weighed 7.95 oz (our runt). Maggie then seemed to take a break. I called the vet around 5am, and he said if she wasn't staining to push, give her a little while longer. By 7am she had started to push again, hard. I was just going out to turn the car on & warm it up when I was called back into the room, she was delivering on her own!

Sadly, the sixth pup was still born, he was born at 8am and weighed 10.30 oz. Number seven was another boy, born at 8:34am and weighed in at 11.70 oz. At 8:48am, we had boy number six born weighting 10.35oz, the eigth puppy. The nineth pup was out at 9:03am and weighed 10.20 oz, another boy. Our second still born was another boy born at 10:35am weighing 11.05 oz. Our last pup was born at 10:40am, this little girl weighed 12.10 oz.

Maggie and her babies are all doing good. At first, I kept the pups in a warming box inside the whelping box (I was scared Maggie might step on one)and kept two - three with her most of the time. I had to move all of them in with her as she became too concerned and would try to get into the warming box with the others! She was very very content once all were with her and finally slept soundly, snoring as loud as ever. With all of them being in my bedroom, I can hear every little peep from my kitchen so I can get some things done. I'm very lucky to have many extra helpers should I need to leave the house. Everyone seems to want to sit and watch them! Maggie doesn't seem to mind at all with extra people in the room, they are all people she lives with and knows well anyways.

The pups had all gained at least 1 oz in the first 24 hours. By day 2, our biggest pup weighed 1 lb 1.50oz! She is a tank, and talk about strong!!! I make sure our little guy always gets on first and doesn't get bullied off the teat by the others.

I was sitting, watching them feed last night. You could sit & watch them for hours (although they don't really DO anything) and just be captivated. In a funny way, the pups look like a bunch of drunks who have one too many and passed out where they lay.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Short video here, will post the story later :)