Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Maggie...


For anyone who has ever done something for the first time, you are a newb (as my 13 yr old says). So I guess I am a newb to breeding bulldogs. I am lucky though, I have an awesome Vet (although sometimes his accent makes it a little hard to understand what he is saying...apparently a "shit too" is a shitzu), awesome experenced breeders who are helping me along the way, an awesome friend who is a bully momma herself , an intense need to know all I can about breeding and a mild obsession with my dog.

On November 26 2009, I took my darling Maggie to be bred with a very handsome boy. I think I was more nervous about things more than she was! She acted like a pro...great, my sweet, precious furry daughter is a ho. *Sighs*

As the days went by, I noticed nothing really different about her....I think I was hoping to like all of a sudden see pups moving about in her tummy or something...don't know.

So today, the 22nd of December ( day 26 ) we went to see Dr.P. He palpated her tummy and said he was 90% sure she was pregnant. I feel so damn giddy! I'm seruously busting at the seams here! Everyday feels like Christmas Eve to me now!!!!

So if you don't really give a flyin fart about bulldogs...I suggest you find another blog to read....because thats pretty much ALL I'll be talking about here...fair warning!